
Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I am more than the sum of my parts which cannot be summed at all.

There are times, fortunately few and widely separated, when I believe that my views about Aikido should be recognized by others because I have something of worth to say. It's at times like these that Aikido seems important on more than a personal level; that it is meaningful in the larger sense of the word and that I must defend my interpretation of the art when my ideas are assailed by others. This is, of course, laughable.

To think that I have latched onto a Truth and that my vision has been expanded beyond that of a normal mortal borders on delusional. When I begin see Ron as Sage of the Age the time is ripe for me to inadvertently bop myself in the head with my jo staff or trip over my own hakama while demonstrating in front of a packed class. Thank goodness for reality checks!

I am realizing that I have nothing to defend, that the light I use to illuminate my path is my light only, that those who study with me do so not because I have so much to give them but because I provide them a venue to give of themselves and so discover who they are. And that is where the real truth of Aikido lies (interesting juxtaposition of words, no?), the synergy of a class of dedicated students, all of us struggling on our individual roads coming together for a few hours a week to create something beautiful by opening ourselves up to our Aikido.

O-Sensei created Aikido as a way of making the world a more peaceful place to live. I see and feel this every time I get on the mat to teach and train.

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